Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge
Gaiwagweniyo Longdance 2024
an Experiential Journey into Oneness
Event Info
We invite you to join us for our 8th annual "Gaiwagweniyo" Longdance in the United Kingdom. The gathering will be at Earth Spirit, in the beautiful, mystical region of Somerset, beginning on Friday August 30th and concluding Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024.
This dance is an experiential journey, through the Ancient Teachings of the Onönowa"ga:", of the Hodinöhsöni" People, as disseminated by Wolf Clan Grandmother, Twylah Hurd Nitsch.
The Gaiwagweniyo is a Community Longdance; a living entity with a life of its own, flowing and expanding in response to the prayers and needs of the Community. The structure and purpose of the teaching is to provide deeper understanding of the workings of the Gaiwagwenio and the power of its message. Bob and Lee Nitsch provide the Leadership, Guidance and Sacredness to support your journey through this intimate and powerful experience.
Be a part of this Sacred Journey.
If you have felt the quickening of your spirit, a longing deep within your heart and soul, you have been called by Creator to attend this gathering. Listen to the calling...an opportunity has presented itself in answer to your innermost prayers.
It"s time to pause; to check-in with your heart and find out what this calling is about.
Ponder your intention for participating; discover whether you feel called to be a Dancer, Energizing and Activating the Wisdom Wheel of Truth or a Supporter, Harmonizing and Facilitating this Unique Transformative Experience.
Open Your Heart
Sing Your Song
… Dance Your Dreams Alive...
Who are we?
Outside my window, in this glorious moment of now, in the land of our ancestors, "The Fire Keepers of the League", my eyes are mesmerized and my heart is full. There before me standing in glorious golden splendor is a Hard Maple Tree. Every remaining leaf, on this crisp Fall morning is radiating light and love from the inside out and the outside in. Soon, it will be time to rest and recuperate.
But in this moment with the backdrop of blue-blue sky, soft wispy-white clouds, bright warm sun and the crispness in the air, there is rejoicing and basking in resplendence.
It is within this in moment of beauty and reflection that I too reflect on the past 26 years of our time together.
For Bob and I, it is difficult to speak, put down into words, or even attempt a description of who we are and what we have accomplished through our Life Teachings.
In the Seneca tradition a person earns the respect of the people by their deeds; their way of being in the world. Their contribution to community; to the health and well-being of others. Every thought, word, action and feeling demonstrated in every moment, is dedicated for the good of all and to support all life. Not only in the now but for the next seven generations into the future; for those yet unborn.
So, to describe who and what we are for self-aggrandizement would be considered arrogant and self-serving.
It is not important to us to blow our own horns. Our satisfaction comes when we have followed through on our instructions, to the letter, for the Creator of All and Everything. A Leap of Faith is required in order to put these instructions into play. For guidance from Creator is seen from Creator"s perspective and not our own. We must proceed from the heart, in faith, not knowing at the time if they will be well received.
These are Heart Teachings; shared from our hearts to yours. The recognition we see in your eyes and the opening of your hearts, bears witness, that we have successfully delivered the message Creator intended you to have.
When we would return home after 6-9 weeks on the road teaching, Bob"s mother, Twylah, would sit us down and ask us just two questions.
- Did you kick-but? (Wake them up; get them moving)
- Did you fry Brains? (Stretch their consciousness; catalyze soul growth)
Our reward would be revealed with a squeal of Joy, clapping of hands, a thrust of fists in the air and Twylah would exclaim, "Oh Goodie, Goodie!"
Over the years we have been challenged many, many times. But always within that challenge was a remarkable answer, growth, resolution and support.
Each challenge, as difficult as they seemed at the time, turned out to be a blessing of Grace from the Creator, preparing us for an even more challenging lesson just around the corner. So, an "Attitude of Gratitude" was easily achieved by living within the Grace of the Creator.
Both Bob and I are persons of many talents and abilities. Some similar and some are different. They complement each other. Our combined talents amount to more than either one of us could achieve in one life. And as we have witnessed many times over the years, all those talents and abilities were necessary for the success of our combined Mission in Life.
For us these teachings are Sacred.
Do not look to us for patterns in our Teachings. You will not find us there. We come in answer to the prayers of the people. This does not come from arrogance but rather in keeping with our Soul Commitment; our Reason for Being. When we are true to our Mission in Life, we abide in the Grace of our Creator. The teachings, although true to our traditional ways, come as living witness to support the soul growth of others. In lifting up others in our community we lift us all.
In this Moment, Lee Nitsch
Let the Magic Begin...